Tag Archives: insurance
Supreme Court touts role of free expression in democracy as it sets out guidance
Rona Ambrose to join Toronto-Dominion as deputy chairwoman of TD Securities
Rona Ambrose resigns from Manulife board for full-time employment
Genetic non-discrimination law is constitutional, Supreme Court says
OTTAWA — In a split decision, the Supreme Court of Canada has upheld a federal law that forbids companies to make people undergo genetic testing before buying insurance or other services. The Genetic Non-Discrimination Act also outlaws the practice of&...
B.C. proposes ‘first-step’ amendments to laws governing condo insurance
VICTORIA — The B.C. government says it's taking the first steps to address concerns about sky-high costs and the availability of insurance for condominiums that have seen premiums rise by as much as 50 per cent. Housing Mi...