95% of BC Liberal ads negative, most false and misleading

A staggering 95% of all BC Liberal advertisements currently active on Facebook are negative attack ads targeting Premier John Horgan’s BC NDP with mostly false and misleading claims, an analysis of Facebook ad library shows.
Out of the 105 currently active ads on the BC Liberals’ Facebook page, just five are positive ads that communicate the party’s platform and priorities. The rest are all attack ads targeting Premier Horgan and other BC NDP candidates with claims that have little or no basis in fact[1]https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?active_status=active&ad_type=all&country=CA&view_all_page_id=25553935482&sort_data[direction]=desc&sort_data[mode]=relevancy_monthly_grouped.
In one ad, the BC Liberals are falsely claiming that a re-elected BC NDP would impose a home equity tax. Premier John Horgan has categorically ruled out such a tax.
In another ad, the BC Liberals are falsely claiming that the BC NDP are planning to impose mobility pricing. Once again, Premier John Horgan has categorically ruled out such a road tax scheme.
Even more bizarrely, the BC Liberals’ latest ads accuse Premier Horgan of mishandling the Covid-19 pandemic response, even though BC has the lowest Covid-19 deaths per capita of any major jurisdiction in the Western world[2]https://twitter.com/j_mcelroy/status/1253863680619548677 and the province’s effort has earned accolades from experts around the globe.
The BC Liberals’ positive ads mostly focus on their proposed PST cut and ending the ICBC monopoly.
Interestingly, BC Liberals are also running attack ads targeting BC Conservatives, but not the BC Greens.
In Contrast, the BC NDP are running a single, somewhat negative ad targeting both the BC Greens and the Liberals[3]https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?active_status=all&ad_type=all&country=CA&view_all_page_id=195608229977&sort_data[direction]=desc&sort_data[mode]=relevancy_monthly_grouped&start_date[min]=2020-10-23&start_date[max]=2020-10-24. The vast majority of currently active BC NDP ads are aimed at getting out the vote. The party also seems to be heavily promoting their plan to build 11,400 affordable homes, and additional healthcare spending.
The BC Greens are also running a mostly positive ad campaign except for two ads that attack Premier Horgan’s environmental record. The party appears to be using advertisements mostly to introduce their candidates to voters.
1. | ↑ | https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?active_status=active&ad_type=all&country=CA&view_all_page_id=25553935482&sort_data[direction]=desc&sort_data[mode]=relevancy_monthly_grouped |
2. | ↑ | https://twitter.com/j_mcelroy/status/1253863680619548677 |
3. | ↑ | https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?active_status=all&ad_type=all&country=CA&view_all_page_id=195608229977&sort_data[direction]=desc&sort_data[mode]=relevancy_monthly_grouped&start_date[min]=2020-10-23&start_date[max]=2020-10-24 |