Wealthy Vancouver homeowner objects to school tax because his children are no longer in school

By ThinkPol Staff
A homeowner from Vancouver wealthiest neighbourhood is objecting to the additional school tax levied on properties worth more than $3 million on the grounds that his children are no longer in school.
“It may be a great deal for school boards but does not reflect in any way an increased cost of schooling, nor does it seem to be requested by any school board,” David Wrinch is quoted in Shaughnessy Heights Property Owners’ Association newsletter[1]Original:http://www.shpoa.ca/shaughnessy_voices Archive:http://archive.is/PWcgf. “In actual fact those of us who have owned a home for many years and have seen value and city taxes increase at a unbelievable rate have paid our school taxes and now our children have gone and we no longer send them to school and thus place a lower burden on the school board .”
British Columbia’s NDP government introduced the increases to the school tax for high value homes in the February budget.
The additional tax rate is 0.2% on the residential portion assessed between $3 million and $4 million going up to 0.4% tax rate on the residential portion assessed over $4 million.
BC’s Attorney General David Eby, who has borne the brunt of the wealthy homeowners’ anger over the housing reforms, explains that seniors and parents of young children are able to defer these taxes under very favourable terms. [2]http://davidebymla.ca/news/the-school-tax-increase-on-homes-valued-over-3m-some-factual-information/.
“BC Property owners who are disabled, over 55, or with children under 18 years old can defer taxes in a program that has been available since 1974,” Eby said. “It is a program that offers extremely low fees, very favorable rates, and simple rather than compound interest. In fact it has been criticized for being non-means tested and actually being too favourable in its terms. Seniors who want to stay in their houses and defer taxes are welcome to do so, and many are already using this program.”
The Attorney General was planning to explain this to homeowners at a town hall meeting last week, but had to cancel the even over security concerns after the BC Liberal leader and the Leader of the Official Opposition Andrew Wilkinson incited his supporters to crash Eby’s meeting[3]http://davidebymla.ca/news/may-1-forum-and-community-office-cancelled-and-closed-due-to-safety-concerns-please-read-davids-letter-below/.
1. | ↑ | Original:http://www.shpoa.ca/shaughnessy_voices Archive:http://archive.is/PWcgf |
2. | ↑ | http://davidebymla.ca/news/the-school-tax-increase-on-homes-valued-over-3m-some-factual-information/ |
3. | ↑ | http://davidebymla.ca/news/may-1-forum-and-community-office-cancelled-and-closed-due-to-safety-concerns-please-read-davids-letter-below/ |