Thousands to converge on Ottawa for a 100% clean economy by 2050

Thousands of Canadians are to converge on Parliament Hill urging the new Liberal government to take strong action on climate change and transition Canada to a 100% clean renewable economy by 2050, a diverse civil society coalition announced today.
“A 100% clean, renewable economy is 100% possible. The Paris Climate Summit is just one part of a solution that really begins here at home,” Graham Saul, Executive Director of Ecology Ottawa said. “We’re marching to show Canadians and our government that there is another way.”
The 100% Possible: Marching for Climate Solutions and Justice in Ottawa event will take place as millions march in over 1700 cities around the World.
The coalition has drawn partners from a variety of backgrounds, including business, labour, faith, environment, development, First Nations, students and concerned citizens who are calling for bold action on climate change to build a clean, renewable, and just future.
“It is the poorest and most vulnerable in communities in the Global South who are on the frontlines of climate change, and who are suffering the most as they face prolonged droughts, sudden floods, and extreme storms,” David Leduc, Executive Director, Development and Peace, said. “We have a moral obligation to act since Canada is one of the biggest polluters on the planet. We are marching to be in solidarity with all those who are living the impacts of climate change now, and to call on Canada to do its part.”
Many jurisdictions have embraced that goal, including Québec and Ontario, which entails that 100% of energy produced and consumed be from renewable sources like wind, solar and hydro, and in accordance with that goal, organizers of the march are also recommending that Canada build clean infrastructure and stop investing in fossil fuel infrastructure.
Ottawa and Gatineau residents are being invited to what is being billed as a family friendly event, while others are planning to come by bus from towns and cities as far away as Mississauga, Toronto, Rimouski and Québec City.
The organizers are encouraging marchers to wear green, dress up, make banners, or build renewable energy floats.
The march will begin at 1 p.m. on Sunday, November 29th at Ottawa City Hall and will end on Parliament Hill.
“With enough investment, we can fight climate change and ensure a sustainable future for our children and theirs,” Donald Lafleur, Canadian Labour Congress, said. “And we can do it in a way that creates millions of badly needed good, green jobs.”
[Photo Credit: The All-Nite Images]