Tag Archives: istuary scandal
BC Liberals continued to support alleged Ponzi operator that sponsored Christy Clark despite warnings
Istuary CEO denies being in complete control of companies, asks court to remove certificates of pending litigation on homes
Unpaid tech workers frustrated over province’s “slow” response to Istuary scandal
Employer who stole nearly $3M in wages from 157 workers fined $500
Sun on the run, ex-lovers settle as Istuary office auctioned off
Yuen Pau Woo joined Ponzi operator’s event as special guest a month before Senate appointment

By Amy Chen Yuen Pau Woo joined alleged Ponzi operator Istuary Investment Group’s third anniversary celebrations a mere month before being appointed to Canada’s Senate by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. An announcement by Istuary[1]http://archive.is/fAqup#selection-729.468-729.507 and an article in the Chinese