Category Archives: National

Quebec legislature adopts Bill 96 language law, Legault calls reform ‘moderate’

Quebec Premier François Legault sought to reassure anglophones that his government's language law reform, adopted on Tuesday, won't prevent people from accessing health care in English. The law, known as Bill 96, passed by a vote of 78-29, with the Opp...

Mass shooting inquiry: Two senior Mounties exempted from cross-examination

HALIFAX — Two lawyers are criticizing a decision Tuesday to allow senior RCMP witnesses to avoid cross-examination before the inquiry investigating the 2020 mass shooting in Nova Scotia. The lawyers, Tara Miller and Josh Bryson, represent relatives of ...

Creator of popular kids’ YouTube channel slams federal online-streaming bill

OTTAWA — The Canadian creator of a children’s YouTube channel with 34.2 million subscribers has condemned the government’s online-streaming bill as a "bad piece of legislation" written by people who don't understand how digital platforms work. Morghan ...

‘They have a right to be angry’: Trudeau says residential school legacy ongoing

VANCOUVER — It's been a difficult year for many since the discovery of unmarked graves at residential schools and those expressing anger are justified in doing so, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said. Trudeau made the comment Tuesday after facing angry ...

Conservative leadership candidates to battle for crucial Quebec in French debate

OTTAWA — Expectations are high for ex-Quebec premier Jean Charest as he is set to take the stage for the French-language Conservative leadership debate in his home province, a crucial region that has proven instrumental in the party’s last two

Five reasons Quebec’s language law reform has stirred controversy

MONTREAL — Quebec's overhaul of its language law was adopted in the legislature Tuesday. The government calls Bill 96 a moderate reform that will improve protection for French while preserving English services, but critics say the bill will limit acces...

Infant formula crisis another symptom of North American ‘managed trade,’ experts say

WASHINGTON — Another cargo jet laden with European infant formula will arrive Wednesday in the United States as the White House scrambles to ease a debilitating shortage — a response some fear could lead to even emptier shelves in Canada

Five things to watch for during the French-language Conservative leadership debate

OTTAWA — Candidates running for leadership of the federal Conservative party will meet north of Montreal Wednesday to face off in the second official debate of the race, this time in French. Here are five things to watch for when

Canada can do more for military members struggling to find housing: defence minister

OTTAWA — Canada's defence minister says the federal government has more to do to support military members who are struggling to find housing. A recent email encouraging Canadian Armed Forces members to consider contacting Habitat for Humanity for affor...

‘It all comes back to lodging’: electrician says lack of housing slows construction

KUUJJUAQ, Que. — Daniel Gabois would usually be out hunting this time of year.  Flocks of Canada geese have started to appear overhead in their V-formations, returning to nesting grounds in the northern Quebec region of Nunavik. That's the signal for