Editorial Roundup: New England

Boston Globe. August 14, 2021.
Editorial: Give us happy hour, or give us... a referendum on happy hour
A proposed ballot question to legalize happy hour in the land of the Puritans is understandable, but legislative action would be preferable.
While making predictions is always dicey, here’s one to take to the bank: If a proposed ballot question to legalize happy hour in Massachusetts makes it onto the ballot in 2022, it’ll pass. One recent poll showed a whopping 70% of Massachusetts residents favor relaxing the rule that prevents bars and restaurants from discounting alcoholic drinks, a prohibition that places Massachusetts out of step with most of the rest of the country and perpetuates the state’s enduring reputation as a bastion of Puritanical killjoys.
It would be better, though, for the Legislature to get ahead of the vote and legalize happy hour on its own, while building in whatever protections against drunk driving may be necessary. The ban does have a well-intended purpose. It dates to 1984, and was enacted after a high-profile drunk driving death was blamed on a free-drinks promotion at the Ground Round in Braintree. Such discounts, the thinking went at the time, created an incentive for people to guzzle as many cheap drinks as they could and then get behind the wheel.
While it may have made intuitive sense in 1984 that happy hours led to more drunk-driving deaths, there is actually not much evidence to support the link. Illinois and Kansas used to ban happy hours but, as The Washington Post reported, neither saw a meaningful uptick in drunk-driving fatalities after those rules were relaxed. If Massachusetts voters know this, a ballot initiative in this decade may well pass here. The other reason voters would support it is perhaps obvious: Lots of people like cheap drinks and don’t see why they should be punished because of other people’s irresponsibility. And for restaurants, which have been battered by the COVID-19 crisis, the opportunity to offer happy hour promotions could help them recover once the pandemic ends.
Still, any referendum can be a blunt instrument. Just consider another unpopular anti-fun measure that voters overturned in 2016 after the Legislature refused to budge: the prohibition on marijuana. Lawmakers then spent much of the next year smoothing out the defects in the law, an ordeal that could have been avoided if the Legislature had simply legalized marijuana on its own. After all, crafting legislation is its job.
That’s why state representative Mike Connolly’s approach to legalizing happy hour would be best. The Cambridge Democrat has added language into a larger piece of restaurant relief legislation that calls for the state to “bring stakeholders together to revisit the state’s ban on Happy Hour.” Learning from other states that have relaxed their laws and talking to the workers and businesses that would be affected should help avoid unintended consequences. If there are ways to mitigate any additional risk of drunk driving related to happy hours, or the potential extra challenges for restaurant staff, that would be good to work through now, instead of playing catch-up after voters force the issue by legalizing happy hour on their own.
Governor Baker, a self-described “old fuddy-duddy,” opposes changing the happy hour law, citing the tragedies that led to its passage. Legislative leaders are noncommittal. But it’s a different world than in 1984. Bar patrons have more options for getting home safely now, thanks to ubiquitous ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft. We also know a lot more now about what works to prevent drunk driving deaths, including ignition locks for offenders and high-profile sobriety checkpoints. It’s telling that Mothers Against Drunk Driving isn’t against happy hours. Drunk driving remains a serious problem in Massachusetts, but the state’s happy hour ban has outlived its usefulness as a solution.
Boston Herald. August 18, 2021.
Editorial: As jobless benefits expire, it’s time to get to work
Joe Biden based his campaign around the phrase Build Back Better.
But in order to do that, you need builders.
As Labor Day looms, more than 7 million people are set to lose their unemployment aid. As The Hill reported, gig workers and other unemployed Americans receiving aid through pandemic programs will see those checks end on Sept. 7, along with the $300 weekly federal supplement to traditional jobless benefits.
Those who call for an extension of these benefits cite the rising number in delta variant COVID cases.
“Exactly what advocates feared would happen with the last extension to Sept. 6 is now happening,” Jenna Jerry, a senior staff attorney with the National Employment Law Project, told CNBC. “We knew COVID wouldn’t be over. And it’s not. With the delta variant rising and places going back to having mask mandates, we’re taking steps backwards and ending aid when people continue to need and rely on them.”
This would make sense if we were still waiting for vaccines to be developed and distributed. But we have them, and according to the Centers for Disease Control, 57% of the total U.S. population has received at least one dose of vaccine. While there have been some breakthrough cases of COVID, nearly all in the U.S. are symptom-free or mild illnesses that can be treated at home, if they require treatment at all, Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in Baltimore told U.S. News.
Biden had all but formally ruled out an extension, saying in July it would “make sense” for those jobless programs to lapse in September.
But as COVID cases increased, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Aug. 6: “At this point, they’re expiring at the beginning of September. Nothing has changed on that front, but a final decision has not been made.”
We know Biden has no problem kicking the can down the road — it happened with the eviction moratorium, and it could happen with unemployment benefits.
We can’t keep spending money as fast as we print it in order to remain stagnant.
Jobs are out there, going unfilled. Some employers have become so desperate to hire that they’ve larded their job offers with bonuses. There are a few schools of thought to explain the hesitancy to punch a clock. One maintains that increased jobless benefits gave unemployed people more money than they previously earned, taking away any incentive to rejoin the ranks of the working. Another is that the pandemic has afforded people a chance to rethink their careers, and they’ve decided they don’t want to return to hard work that pays poorly.
Why sweat through a 40+ hour week when your paycheck covers less and less?
The problem is, if we keep extending and spending without producing, inflation will take care of shrinking our spending power, job or no job.
Does the state of work in America need addressing? Yes, but sitting it out until employment perfection is achieved is not the answer.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) put the case succinctly:
“I’m done with extensions,” Manchin told Business Insider. “The economy is stronger now, the job market is stronger. Nine million jobs we can’t fill. We’re coming back.”
We hope so.
Rutland Herald. August 18, 2021.
Editorial: Now is the time
Governor, we feel the time has come.
We understand you won’t introduce a mask mandate. But you can recommend (maybe plead emphatically) that Vermonters should go back to wearing masks. We are not going to mandate vaccinations, and yet, our numbers suggest a surge. And with days before college students return for in-person classroom (and dorm) time, and with weeks before secondary schools open, this seems like a good time to fall back on the data and science and shift the narrative.
We are not saying we need another state of emergency. We are not saying that people should not go out. We are not saying people should not engage in groups. But we are saying the surge we are seeing right now is reminiscent of the surges we saw last winter.
According to the state Department of Health website’s dashboard, there were 99 new COVID cases on Wednesday. The death toll remained at 267 individuals. There were 29 cases in Vermont hospitals; nine of them in intensive care.
Bennington County saw 22 new cases on Wednesday. Chittenden County saw 36 new cases. Washington County only saw six new cases, but over the last 14 days, there have been 109 new COVID cases. In Rutland County, there were only nine new cases, but there were 77 cases reported over the past two weeks. In Franklin County, there were only eight new cases, but over the past two weeks, there were 112 new cases.
You see the same data we do. You hear the same anecdotes we do. You are bombarded with the same calls for concern. And you know the resistance factor well.
But we posit three questions: What kind of winter do we want to have? What are the implications of not putting some emphasis on mask-wearing? Do you really need to have a state of emergency before you step up on masking?
For months and months, you and this administration took solid positions. You based those decisions on data and science. Your administration was eager to get Vermonters back to a new normal — one that had the economic engine running, people engaging openly, steps taken toward recovery.
Vaccination — even with 85% of the eligible population with at least one shot — does not seem to be the insurance policy we were betting on. We are seeing a surge in cases, like much of the rest of the nation. We are hearing about breakthrough cases of COVID among the vaccinated. And, as we have stated a few times now, we are all about to head indoors to get out of the cold of fall and winter.
The Associated Press (AP) had an article in its news cycle this week that suggested the the highly infectious delta variant of the coronavirus has already started to disrupt the start of the school year in many parts of the country. As a result, “parents, administrators and governors clashed over whether masks should be required.”
According to the AP, public school authorities are committed to making up lost ground after frequent disruptions, including on- and-off remote learning, in the pandemic’s first year left millions of children behind in their studies, especially those of communities of color. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends masks in schools for students, staff and teachers.
In fact, the start of the school year comes as the country is averaging more than 130,000 new infections a day and the number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 has soared to levels last seen in mid-February. The death toll has also risen to nearly 700 a day, the AP reports.
Hospitals in several virus hotspots say they are seeing an increase in infections and hospitalizations in children, bringing anxiety to families starting school. A handful of Republican-led states ban schools from requiring masks but many schools and districts have defied the laws and are fighting them in the courts, the AP reports.
The delta surge and rising COVID hospitalizations have stressed health facilities and prompted new restrictions in several states. The numbers here in Vermont have to be a part of that equation.
Is there adequate contact tracing?
Are we able to quash concerns and ease the minds of parents? Educators?
Summer warmth and lushness make it easy to forget that we were held hostage by COVID a year ago.
For certain, there are severe implications that come with edicts from any government.
But we feel the time has come, governor.
If we are not going to mandate vaccinations (which is also a totally feasible solution at this point in the game), at least either plead, demand or highly recommend that all Vermonters of all ages start to wear masks again well beyond the norm and guidelines. Otherwise, we can just wait for your state of emergency in November.
Hearst Connecticut Media. August 15, 2021.
Editorial: Much to celebrate, much to improve in CT
Did you finish celebrating yet? Still a little worn out from the all-night revelry?
A national day of recognition for our great state, the third-smallest and fifth to join the United States, is a good opportunity to let loose. You can be forgiven for going a little crazy.
Or, maybe, you’re one of the (hopefully) few who didn’t realize we had a big day this past week. Aug. 10 was National Connecticut Day. There’s a lot to love here, even if we can’t help but notice that some people like to complain about a few things.
It’s OK. That’s part of our local charm. And, we can be honest here, there are some things that could use some fixing.
It’s very expensive to live here, for one thing. Cost of living is as high in Connecticut as anywhere in the nation, and we pay our share in taxes. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. And we’d all like to do something about the traffic.
But National Connecticut Day is a chance to celebrate everything we love about the state. Yes, it’s expensive, but all that money pays for some of the highest quality of life you could find anywhere. We have Long Island Sound, we have history that goes back centuries to the very start of our country, and we have it all in a compact setting you can venture across in a day.
And despite our reputation as The Land of Steady Habits, this state is also a place that’s going through some changes. Recently released census data showed the overall population went up only slightly in the past 10 years, but some of the strongest growth was focused in our often-maligned cities.
Bridgeport and New Haven showed growth. Stamford continued rocketing skyward, and will probably take the title of the state’s most populous city before too long. Waterbury, Norwalk and Danbury did well, too.
The news in rural areas was different. Following nationwide trends, population numbers fell in some of the smallest towns in the state, and there’s no indication a rebound is in sight. People are going where the jobs are, and that’s the cities and close-in suburbs.
We can celebrate Connecticut for what it’s been but also recognize how we need to change. Growth in the cities should be encouraged, since if we’re ever going to get real economic growth in Connecticut again it will need to be joined by a rising population. We need to give people more of what they want.
In many cases, that means density. If we had more of it at affordable prices, we could as a state appeal to an entirely new demographic that is mostly looking elsewhere. We have plenty of sprawled-out suburbs, and the appeal of that style of living may have peaked. We have to adapt with the times.
So, if you haven’t already, take a few minutes to celebrate what we treasure about Connecticut. There’s a lot to love.
But don’t forget to think about how we can make it even better. Maybe by next year’s National Connecticut Day we can be on our way down a new path.
Portland Press Herald. August 15, 2021.
Editorial: Maine’s housing shortage is not a local issue
A new commission will look into the ways that local control of land-use policy limits the ability of working people to find affordable homes.
There is not a single county in Maine in which a full-time, minimum-wage earner can afford to rent a two-bedroom apartment.
This is clearly a statewide problem, but most housing policy decisions are made on the local level. When it comes to deciding what gets built and where it can go, local officials and local zoning ordinances rule.
Understanding the role local governments play in the housing shortage is what’s behind a new commission created by a bill sponsored by House Speaker Ryan Fecteau. The 15 members of the body, including legislators, municipal officials and planning professionals, will help us see this problem outside the hyperlocal context we are used to.
Housing advocates estimate that Maine has a shortfall of 20,000 affordable rental units. Over the last seven years, the state has produced an average of only 230 new units a year, barely putting a dent in a problem that affects people in every part of the state and every stage of life.
But now Maine is in position to do something about it. An eight-year, $80 million tax credit program created in 2020 is already helping start developments that will add 300 new apartments in Skowhegan, Portland and Bath.
Gov. Mills and the Legislature approved another $50 million in federal funds from the American Recovery Plan to build affordable housing in the state. More money may be headed to Maine to pay for housing and transit if Congress passes the infrastructure and jobs packages that are now pending.
None of that will matter, though, if local planning boards and town and city councils don’t decide to play ball. In the face of a regional problem, local control is not the answer.
It’s easy to see why. In most cities and towns, a lack of affordable housing is a problem for people who live someplace else and have no voice in local decision making.
Meanwhile, the concerns of current residents – whether they are real or imagined – about parking, traffic or neighborhood character end up carrying more weight than the needs of a family struggling to keep a roof over its head.
An illustration of how this works is now playing out in Cape Elizabeth, where a proposed 49-unit project in the town center is running into opposition, despite the town’s longstanding commitment to affordable housing in its comprehensive plan.
Eighty percent of the apartments in the proposed Dunham Court project would be affordable to people who earn $42,000 for a single person or $59,940 for a family of three. They would have few other options in a town where the median home price is $625,000.
The developer says he would need a zoning change and a property tax discount to build the proposed four-story project, and that’s not going to be easy.
Current residents have been lining up at meetings to let the Town Council know that they like Cape Elizabeth just the way it is. Some have threatened a referendum campaign if the council approves the project.
This is not a dynamic unique to Cape Elizabeth. A study of land-use policies conducted for the Greater Portland Council of Government found that only 5% of the land in the region is zoned for multifamily construction, making affordable housing projects nearly impossible to site.
If you multiply this conflict by all of Maine’s cities and towns, you can see how what sound like rational choices on a local level turn into a much bigger problem.
To meet our workforce and climate goals, Maine not only needs more affordable housing, we need it in the right places – near jobs and public transit. The sooner we treat this statewide problem for what it is, the sooner it can be solved.
Bangor Daily News. August 14, 2021.
Editorial: Magnet fishers help clean junk out of Maine waterways
There’s apparently a new kind of fishing that has caught our attention — hook, line and magnet.
As the BDN’s Sam Schipani reported recently, a group of Mainers who call themselves the Maine Eco Magnet Fishers are angling for something other than fish. Instead of fishing for bass, they fish for trash. Instead of the standard tackle, they reel in their catch using a strong magnet and rope tossed into the water.
The haul includes old bikes, bullets, nails, screws, fish hooks (the irony!), pipes, street signs, railroad spikes and even a shopping cart. As it turns out, one person’s trash is another person’s fishing trophy.
This seems like a personal hobby that can really pay off for the rest of us, by helping to get old junk out of Maine waters. Though we’d add that the hobby is not without its dangers. People shouldn’t just launch into this without understanding potential risks, like how strong magnets can interfere with pacemakers or affect electronic devices. And as with conventional fishing, people should be careful on and around the water.
“We are a team of magnet fishers in Maine that have come together to make a difference within our communities by cleaning up the river and waterways,” reads the description for the Maine Eco Magnet Fishers Facebook page, a private group with 20 members.
Member Colt Busch of Lewiston told Schipani that he’s been magnet fishing for about three years.
“I will basically magnet fish anywhere,” Busch said. “I’m trying to do my part to clean up what man made dirty to Mother Earth. She’s been so good to me and I’m trying to give it back to her.”
We live in polarizing times, but this is a perspective that should have some serious pull for everyone.
Busch was inspired by Andrew Desjardins, who goes by the name “Mr. Drew” and travels around New England talking about environmental stewardship. He has something called “Mr. Drew’s One Piece Challenge,” in which he encourages audience members to pick up a piece of trash every day and properly dispose of it.
“Colt started the magnet all on his own based on my challenge,” Desjardins said. “In a short amount of time, (he) has removed more trash out of Maine waterways than most people will ever do in their lifetime.”
Ideally, people would take steps to prevent these items from ending up in the water in the first place. And metal junk isn’t the only threat to keeping Maine waterways clear and clean. But this is a fantastic example of individuals seeing a problem and being part of the solution.
With the distressing state of some fisheries, the metal fishery is the first one we’d actually like to see dry up. It would be great if these anglers were so successful that they ran out of metal to pull out of the water.
Kudos to these magnetic sportsmen and women for helping to clear pieces of metal debris out of Maine’s waterways. Keep reeling them in, safely.
The Associated Press